

Inspired from the iconic mobile game Crossy Road, our game Rush hour places the player in the life of a student who is incredibly late for their math midterm. Imagine waking up at 7:50am for a midterm starting at 8. You have 10 minutes to reach class and cross obstacles like speeding cars, buses, trains, and skateboards. If you collide you lose! If you run out of time you also lose! 

 The game features two levels: a busy city street and a train station. The street is filled with different vehicles with varying speeds and the train station is the same with different trains. There are small time boosters throughout the game that can be collected by the player to give them extra time and balance the difficulty of the game, however, they must still act quickly and efficiently if they want to pass their math class. 

 Game Development Process:

Week 1: Noted down game ideas and decided to go along with a Crossy Road inspired game. Merged groups and created a simple iOS built. The idea was to have a similar avoiding obstacles theme like Crossy Roads but adding more realistic elements to it such as a story line and a 3D real-like world.  

Week 2: Put level one together for a beta version by adding some streets and cars for collision.

This image above is how the game looked for beta testing. We had the joystick working and had added moving cars from which if the player collides the game restarts. The cars were added to spawn at a fixed time. The game was also built and run on iOS device. 

Week 3: Discussion of game, divide the work and start putting code together. The idea to add another level/world was introduced after beta testing. We decided to have the second level be a train station. Skateboards were added to the game as well based on notes from beta testing however having the player stand on them was not achieved as it required adding a jump move to the player. Since we had a joystick and based on the extra amount of work needed for the jump, we couldn't reach a decision regarding it and the idea was dropped. 

Week 4: Finalize the game and levels, start preparing the documents, and trailer video. 

Playtesting Results and notes:

1.     How can you make the game different from the original Crossy Road? Suggestions including adding tasks, different scenarios and interactions, and a timer aspect. 

2.     Add audio to express the urgency of reaching class on time

3.     Fix cars that are moving backward

4.     Add a collision effect for when the player collides with an object

5.     Fix the lighting on the streets

 Assets used:





Music and Sound Affect:


Car crash: 

Menu & win screen: 

Game Play BGM:

Get Rush Hour

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